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“Right now, there are more jobs than security technicians that can do them” – meet a team leader from CERTEGO

1/29/24 2:47 PM

Team Leader Niklas Hallebro, at CERTEGO Södertälje believes that the demand for security is only increasing.

At CERTEGO Södertälje, we have Niklas Hallebro who is one of the most appreciated team leaders at our company. Niklas is a 36-year-old from Järna who has worked for CERTEGO as a Security Technician, Project Manager, and now in his current role. The other week, we went to Södertälje for a small chat with him.

What is a typical workday like for you?

- There are no typical workdays. The morning always starts with some technicians coming to the office, depending on the current workload. Then I check the situation and see how the team is doing. I try to talk to as many as possible and then keep an eye on the email inbox. For the rest of the day, I try to be available for my team and handle the challenges that arise.

As a team leader, how do you handle stressful situations within the team?

- It's always important to try to show calm outwardly. It doesn't help if people perceive you as stressed or if you try to stress others, as it doesn't make things go faster. We have the advantage that there are branches around Sweden, so if you're lucky, it's calmer in another location and then we can borrow technicians from there. Right now, we have colleagues from both Eskilstuna and Nyköping helping us.

What do you think about the future of the security industry?

- That there would be less security out in the world does not seem likely. More and more people are becoming more knowledgeable, which means they get a better grip on things within security and want to invest more in it. The demands for more security is increasing, which includes everything from panic locks in classrooms to increased control and surveillance. It's a growing trend for the last 15 years, and that's probably why there is a shortage of technicians, at least here in the Stockholm area. Right now, there are more jobs than technicians that can do them.

jag har kul v2

At our office in Södertälje, this message hangs on the wall along with our other core values. "Having fun is not just for leisure time, it's just as important to have it at work. We at CERTEGO Södertälje take this very seriously".

At CERTEGO, we have three values that shape our workday. These are about taking responsibility, always striving to improve, and promoting cooperation between colleagues and departments. But at our branch in Södertälje, the colleagues have come up with a fourth message, which emphasizes something completely different. Where does this come from?

- It’s because we have a lot of fun here! It's an important part and something we value highly in Södertälje. You should enjoy going to work, if it's tough at home, it should be nice to come here. You should gather energy here, instead of being drained of it.


The fourth core value reads "Having fun is not just for leisure time, it's just as important to have it at work. We at CERTEGO Södertälje take this very seriously". During my visit with Niklas and the rest of the team in Södertälje, that was something I really got to experience. Thank you, Niklas Hallebro!

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