CERTEGO women in office 1200

Diversity and Inclusion

We aim to build the best teams, and we achieve this by including individuals with diverse skills, personalities, and backgrounds. At CERTEGO, we actively work on diversity and inclusion, striving to prevent and eliminate all forms of discrimination.

When we refer to the concept of gender equality, we mean the equal value, rights, responsibilities, and opportunities for men and women. All employees, as well as contracted personnel and subcontractors, are expected to contribute to preventing discrimination. We promote and strive to provide a positive work environment that offers equal rights and opportunities regardless of age, gender, religion, or other personal aspects. This involves a zero-tolerance policy against all forms of direct and indirect discrimination, regardless of the cause.

Historically, CERTEGO's workforce has been predominantly male. It is important for the company to attract more female employees to create an even more appealing and gender-balanced workplace. Our goal is to recruit and hire more women for positions across all functions and levels.

Goals for 2023

  • 20% of all employees at CERTEGO are women.
  • 27% of managers at CERTEGO are women.
  • At least one female candidate among the final candidates when recruiting new managers.

Goals for 2025

  • 25% of all employees are women.
  • 30% of leadership positions are held by women.